Is your period late? Are you worried you might be pregnant? We understand. Whether this is your first pregnancy or you have other children, an unplanned pregnancy can be overwhelming and even frightening. Let us help you. We can answer your questions and provide a solution. You are important and valued.

Early Pregnancy Symptoms

Every woman experiences pregnancy differently. The following is a list of some of the more common early pregnancy symptoms you may have during the first couple of weeks.

  • A late or missed period
  • Tender, swollen breasts
  • Increased urination
  • Feeling sick to your stomach (Morning Sickness), possible vomiting
  • Fatigue
  • Aversion to certain foods
  • Bloating
  • Light bleeding or spotting
  • Moodiness

Taking a Pregnancy Test

Unfortunately, many of the above signs aren’t only for pregnancy. It’s possible to miss a period, be sick to your stomach, or feel moody for other reasons. The best way to find out for sure is to take a pregnancy test.

Even if you have taken an over-the-counter test, you will want to take a pregnancy test from us. Often, women take home tests too early or they don’t read the instructions completely. To get the most accurate test result possible, let us assist you.

Your Next Step

Once you have the information you need from a pregnancy test and an ultrasound, it’s time to talk about your options. Yes, believe it or not, you have options. Abortion is not your only choice.

Take the time to meet with one of our client advocates and discuss the options in front of you. We can’t tell you what to do, but we can be a trusted place where you can talk, share your concerns, and get the answers you need.

You are important to us and so is your future. Let’s sit down and talk about your next steps.