August Wier

Free and Confidential Help

Are you unexpectedly pregnant? Are you in a life situation you cannot get out of? Do you feel scared and don’t know what to do?  We offer free confidential help now. Do not be afraid. Contact us. How can we help you?

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Our Services


If you’re suddenly faced with an unplanned pregnancy, you may feel your only option is abortion. If you are considering abortion, there are a few questions that need to be answered first. The type of abortion you can have is determined by how long you have been pregnant and knowing whether the pregnancy is viable (living).


Women facing an unplanned pregnancy often think abortion is the only answer to their situation. Stop for a moment. Have you considered making an adoption plan? If you like the idea of being a mother, but cannot handle the day-to-day responsibilities or you are already a Mom with more than you can handle, adoption may be the answer.


It doesn’t matter where you are in life; parenting is both challenging and rewarding at the same time. As a parent, you have the joy of watching your child grow and learn, but you also have the responsibility to care for and raise them.

You Are Not Alone. We Can Help You.

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