There Is Free Help Available

Have you missed your period and wondering if you might be pregnant? When you find yourself in an uncertain situation, you wonder if there is anyone out there who can help you. You may feel alone and unable to talk to anyone about your circumstances.

Who can you trust? Where can you go for help? We want you to know you are not alone. There is free help available. You can chat with someone right from this page.

Are you concerned:

I am pregnant and I don’t know what to do.

Am I am pregnant?

That it feels like abortion is the only option.

There is no way out of my current situation.

If you discover that you are unexpectedly pregnant or think you might be pregnant and unsure of what to do, we can help you. There is help available. You can talk with one of our team members right now.

You can chat with us free and confidentially right from this site. We can help you see if you are pregnant. We have help for you and we can connect you with others who can help as well. Abortion is not your only option. You have choices.

Everything you say will be confidential. The help we provide is completely free, so contact us now. If you find yourself in circumstances where you do not have freedom, we can be that safe place.

We are here to help you!