If your period is late and you are wondering if you might be pregnant, let us help you. There’s no reason to worry and wonder. We offer free pregnancy testing. Plus, our trained counselors are ready to help you navigate your next steps. Call us for an appointment today.

When is The Best Time to Take a Pregnancy Test?

When your menstrual cycle is like clockwork (approximately every 28 – 32 days), you can usually take a pregnancy test a day or two after your missed period. If your cycle is irregular or you haven’t tracked it accurately, we suggest waiting at least 5 to 7 days after your period should have started. By waiting longer, you will get more reliable results from your pregnancy test.

How Does a Pregnancy Test Work?

When a woman becomes pregnant, her body begins producing hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin). The hCG hormone is known as the “pregnancy hormone.” It’s produced after the embryo has attached to the uterine wall. This process usually happens about six days after fertilization. The levels of hCG rise quickly, doubling every 2 to 3 days.

Pregnancy tests work by detecting levels of the hCG hormone in your urine. If it is present, the test will be positive because you are pregnant. 

What Happens if the Test is Positive?

Seeing a positive test result can be extremely overwhelming, especially if your pregnancy is unplanned. However, don’t panic. We’re here to offer support and provide you with information to help you process your next steps.

After a positive pregnancy test, we will seek to find you a doctor who can verify your pregnancy, determine how far along the pregnancy is, and check if it is viable. Then, we can sit down and discuss your options.

We truly care about you and do not want you to make this very important decision alone. We will answer all of your questions. No matter what you choose to do, we are here to support you and help you along the way.